Pickle your daylily flower buds for a delicious and refreshing summer treat!
Pick fresh, firm daylily flower buds and loosely pack them into glass canning jar.
Pour water over flowers until jar is full, leaving enough room for weight on top of flower buds which will float. Pour water off into measuring cup to get total volume of liquid (water/vinegar) needed. Pour off half the water and replace it with white vinegar.
Put herbs into jar with daylily buds. Add salt and honey to the water-vinegar combo and whisk until dissolved. This is your brine. Pour the brine over the daylily flower buds in jar. Place weight on top of flower buds (a glass fermentation weight works great).
Refrigerate for 24 hours before eating. Store up to 1 month in your fridge. Do NOT store at room temperature.
Pickled daylily flower buds https://www.tyrantfarms.com/pickled-daylily-flower-buds/