A delicious ice cream made from fresh mimosa flowers from Albizia julibrissin trees, aka Persian silk trees.
Combine all ingredients from first section (milk, cream, flowers) in glass jar. Stir to mix together. Cover and place in fridge for 24-36 hours, removing to stir once every 8 hours to aid flavor extraction.
Remove from fridge, then strain flowers. Squeeze flowers firmly to remove all liquid. Then strain again through fine mesh strainer to remove all debris.
Combine all ingredients from second section (cream, milk, sugar, vanilla, salt) in small sauce pan over medium heat. Whisk regularly. Cook until all sugar and salt is fully dissolved, then remove from heat and let cool.
Combine sweetened cream mixture with strained mimosa-cream mixture in jar. Refrigerate until cold and pour into ice cream maker when you're ready. Serve immediately.
For storing extra mimosa flower ice cream, use a covered 8"×4″ or smaller glass baking dish, which makes scooping easy.
Mimosa flower ice cream https://www.tyrantfarms.com/mimosa-flower-ice-cream-albizia-julibrissin/