They're pretty. They smell wonderful. And they taste amazing. Here are our three favorite wild edible flowers of spring...What are yours? …
organic gardening
Killing and eating a duck we raised ourselves was one of the hardest things we've ever done. What did we learn in the process? The answers may surprise you.…
Our oldest Welsh Harlequin duck, Lady Margaret Thrasher, laid her first duck eggs today! Here are a few egg laying tips to get your ducks to start laying. …
It's been a great growing season, despite record rains that devastated nearby farms and gardens. Here are 3 permaculture lessons we learned this summer...…
We finally got four Welsh Harlequin Ducklings to fill the Quacker Box (our Duck House) at Tyrant Farms!…
Can our sense of beauty—from spiral galaxies to a sunflower—be attributed to mathematical equations? More importantly, how does that math taste? Meet (and eat) the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci Sequence! …
Tired of growing a monoculture grass yard? Don't worry, you're not alone. Millions of other grass farmers are fed up too. There's a better way! …
Why should you care about soil? What do you get in return? Come learn about soil and how you are intimately linked to soil.…
One of the scariest tall tales you'll ever read... the Tyrant Farms mountain lion story. Deep in the woods behind Tyrant Farms, we found the beast.…
A beautiful, humbling hummingbird rescue experience during the first day at…
A hummingbird rescue on the first day of Tyrant Farms... and what our hummingbird logo means. …